Brave Lil’ Convos is our monthly series, which equips people with the skills, tools, and vocabulary to partake in brave conversations in the workplace. Thank you to those who could join us for January’s session, featuring Kaitlin Henze, Success Strategist and Manager at Colorful Connections. We engaged in a special session on Tools to Help You Achieve Your 2024 Goals and elevate your DEI efforts for the year.
Here is a takeaway of key points of what we discussed:
Ask your team what they think are the top priorities for the organization to focus on in 2024 and select 1-2 areas of focus: Attract, Retain, Grow, Sustain
Set 2-3 strategic goals based on selected area(s) of focus
Set aside 10 minutes in a team meeting once per month to review your team's current projects and align them to the Company's strategic goals.
Review/change metrics, assign tasks to increase accountability, and celebrate successes as a team
To sign up for our next session, visit the registration link here for February 14th, where we will be discussing career exploration and learning to love what you do!
